FRIDAY JUNE 28th 7:30 LGBTQ Fundraiser
NIck Deutsch, Sophia Campoamor, Daniel Joseph Baker, Anne Huffines, Ben Freeman.
NIck Deutsch, Sophia Campoamor, Daniel Joseph Baker, Anne Huffines, Ben Freeman.
Voice students of Tina Shafer 8:30-9:45pm Ticket link
NYU NIGHT Gem Ryder Bri and Ang Haiely Dawn Aidan Mailley Josie Azuriz tickets at
Excited to have Kaitlyn Eve, Juliette Reilly, Sarah Khatami, Petting Zoo and Mike Hubbard Monday feb 5th 7:30 at the Bitter End, $15.
The New York Songwriters Circle is the longest running showcase in the country. Started in 1991 and hosted by platinum songwriter and vocal coach, TINA SHAFER. monday night includes, Britt Hewitt, Anson jones, Sarah Linick, Aaron Drescher, and Petting Zoo tickets can be found on the Bitter end website. We look forward to supporting another…